September 2022- Accelink will showcase the client-side 100G/400G OTN transceivers at Accelink booth (#305) and demonstrate the performance based on VIAVI ONT-800 platform at VIAVI booth (#301) during the ECOC 2022 Exhibition in Basel, Switzerland.
The latest OTN client-side series transceivers can support both Ethernet and OTN transmission. It features PAM4 higher order modulation technology to transmit 100G over a single wavelength by using Cooled high-speed EML technology. With higher lane speed and less optical components, it has a great advantage on the cost and power consumption. The adoption of Marvell’s latest 16nm/7nm DSPs also helps result in an industry-leading low power consumption, which is less than 3.5W/8W in 100G/400G application. These transceivers can support OTN at 100G (OTL4.4 electrical / OTL4.1 optical) and up to OTUCn (based on FOIC1.2/2.4/4.8 electrical and FOIC1.1, FOIC2.2 and FOIC4.4 optical), or 4*OTU4 breakout (OTL4.2 electrical / OTL4.1 optical) and it could reach 500m, 2km, and 10km on different application scenarios.
The modules are all produced on Accelink High-speed hybrid integration platform with high capacity and automation, which can offer cost-effective solutions to customers.
100G/400G transceiver Highlights:
·Ethernet/OTN Dual-Rate support
·500m/2km/10km transmission distance support
·Cooled 112Gb/s PAM4 EML based
·Lower Power Consumption:
·Break-out support to 4x100G DR, FR or LR
·Operation Temp range 0℃ to 70℃
Accelink is honored to work with VIAVI to conduct the test since the VIAVI ONT-800 platform has unique OTN capabilities needed to test all required data rates and related services. VIAVI is also the first provider with a solution that could test Accelink innovative OTN-based pluggable modules. VIAVI’s experience on testing high-speed OTN data rates with coherent line-side transponders has provided the foundation to quickly deliver client-side OTN testing solutions as demand for these modules began to emerge.